01753 868842
Welcome to Old Windsor Parish Council
Who we are
Parish Councils are the most local level of government. There are over 9,000 Parish Councils across England. The only difference between a Parish Council and a Town Council is that the latter has a Town Hall, has decided to call itself a Town Council and has a mayor.
Old Windsor Parish Council
- Represents your local community
- Delivers services to meet local needs
- Strives to improve the quality of life within the parish
Old Windsor Parish Council Amenities:
Allotments | Recreation ground, tennis courts and football pitches |
Cemeteries | Dog waste facilities |
Litter bins | Public toilets |
Car parks | A Parish Council office to meet local needs |
Open spaces | An office for the local Police |
Advisor for Older Residents |
Latest Parish News
Flood Information
Below are a variety of sites to get information on what is happening with the river that you may find them useful.
https://check-for-flooding.service.gov.uk/station/7172 This shows the up to date river levels both upstream and downstream of Old Windsor Lock. This is probably the most useful link.
https://www.gov.uk/sign-up-for-flood-warnings As it says, this is where you can sign up for flood warnings.
https://www.gov.uk/check-flooding This is for a check of immediate risk in your area
https://www.gov.uk/check-long-term-flood-risk This one gives all sorts of flood risks up to five days, just enter your postcode and what type of risk you are interested in.
https://flood-map-for-planning.service.gov.uk/confirm-location?easting=498478.53&northing=174647.94&placeOrPostcode=old%20windsor A great one for planning and showing the flood zones.